Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. (1 Cor. 6:18 NKJV)
Everywhere you turn, someone is talking about sex. Sex is short for sexual intercourse which is part of the intimate relationship between the husband and wife. It is not a physical exercise, it is not something that people want to do as a part of the so-called "dating process."
Sex is sacred.
Why is it that we are permeated with sexual things in our media? Why is it that you cannot turn the channel on secular TV station in the United States and watch a sit-com (situational comedy) that doesn’t have a sexual innuendo? Why is it that when you take the train in Tokyo, you have to see images of women with oversized busts or weekly magazine adverts that try to sell copies of their magazines with "Sex" written on it?
The enemy wants to get you tangled up in lust and sexual sin so that they can pull you from God.
As adults, we all have sex drive. It is built in to us. That drive is stronger with a husband than it is with his wife. Men are driven by what they see while women are driven more by their emotions. Ephesians tells us that there is a battle on. As long as we are in this body, we will have to deal with the functions of this body.
If you are a young adult, the last thing you want to do is feed your soul (mind, will, and emotions) with movies, images, and other things that can get you out of balance. These (sexual) images can eventually get into your spirit and lead you away from the spiritual. We are wonderfully and fearfully made; however, if we are going to live soulishly ('by the flesh' as the Word calls it), we are never going to be satisfied. As a believer, we need to live and be led by the Holy Spirit, then we’ll be satisfied with everything and sex will remain as a wonderful benefit and blessing of being a husband or wife.
My wife recently went for a check up to a gynecologist. On the wall of this secular doctor's office in Japan there was a sign encouraging women not to have sex with multiple partners. It was saying have 'one partner.' Even the doctors recognize that our bodies are designed for sexual relations just between a husband and a wife. Many diseases and epidemics have broken out because people do not obey God's design and people have multiple sex partners.
For God's intention, I always like to look back at the Garden. God made Adam and Eve. God's plan is for one man and one woman. Polygamy (marrying multiple husbands or wives) is not God's plan; if it were, we would see that in the Garden.
But we don't.
We see people getting in trouble when they are polygamists. Remember Isaac and Ishmael? The problem from this sexual relationship exists today in expanded form in the Arab-Israel conflict. We know who wins in the end, those who trust Yahweh.
Don't let the enemy distract you with sexual innuendo, jokes, lustful thoughts, pornography or anything else that you know would lead you away from God. Matter of fact, Corinthians tell us to run from this type of lowliness. Get away from it. Don't dwell on it. You see sexual sin (for example fornication, sex between two unmarried people) is not just a sin like lying or cheating, it is actually a sin against your own body. In sexual intercourse, the body and the spirits unite with the end result being the conception of an all new body and spirit (a child).
If you are in sexual sin, remove yourself from that situation. Get away from it. God will forgive you but don't wait until it is too late. Ask Him to forgive you right now and proclaim the blood of Jesus over your life, thanking Him that His blood washes you clean from all sin, including sexual sin. But just as King Jesus said to the prostitute, "Go and sin no more," you should do the same. When you realize this, make the change so the sin doesn't separate you from God.
If you have trouble controlling your sex drive, the Word encourages us to marry (1 Cor. 7:9), then you can properly focus that passion and love on your spouse. The Word is also clear that neither the husband or wife should withhold sex from the other except for a time by mutual consent.
It is a tough world we live in. In the 1950s people talked about death but never talked about sex. Today, people are talking about sex all the time and never talking about what happens when they die.
Many people are very deceived. It has gone on for so long that there are even people trying to justify having relations between men and men, or women and women. Historically, when a society begins this descent into immorality, it is the beginning of the end of that society. Romans 1 shows us where that is coming from.
Keep sex sacred between you and your spouse. Don't buy the lie of the enemy and get caught up in this sin. It is deadly. Jesus said that He came that we might have life AND that we might have it ABUNDANTLY.
For Further Study:
Romans 8 (Praying In The Spirit)
Proverbs 22
Author Biography
Spencer Patrick
Web site: Victory Word Church ![]() He is a native of the Pacific Northwest whom was called into the ministry as a teenager. Immediately upon graduation of university he moved to Asia with his wife. He served in Japanese church leadership for three years and was licensed and ordained in the US on 10 September 2004. His experience in the business world gives him insights into the lives of professionals as well as having connected him with some of the world’s leading business and political leaders. He preaches each week in Tokyo, as well as speaking at various churches and conferences around Asia Pacific and North America. You can sign up for his weekday Faith Builders email at the Victory Word Church website at www.victoryword.org as well as catch his weekly podcasts in English as well as Japanese.
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